Published Books

Coming in 2023
Genre: Business & Economics/Entrepreneurship; Computers/Web/Blogging
Available on Amazon and Kindle 

“Debra’s book, Authors/Writers section, addresses a question I’ve heard asked repeatedly at writers’ conferences, meetings, and in online forums:  ‘As I writer, what should I blog about?’ Her answer? ‘Take your pick!’  With a straightforward, informational style, Debra provides a host of suggestions and how- to’s that will inspire and guide even the most tech-nervous, blog-newbie writer—let alone the ‘pro’ blogger looking to pick up a few fresh ideas.”

~Mary Weber is the author of the award-winning, Scholastic Book Fair Pick, young adult STORM SIREN trilogy, and the SOFI SNOW duology. – all from HarperCollins.


Coming in 2023
Genre: Memoir
Available on Amazon and Kindle


Debra’s book, I Forgive You, is a very personal look at a dysfunctional childhood and the woman who flourished by making sweet lemonade out of sour lemons. She shares her long and rewarding journey of going around, through or jumping the obstacles in life, be they a less than ideal childhood or learning disabilities.




August 30, 2020
Genre: Poetry
Available on Amazon, Kindle and in local bookstores

“Great collection. Debra portrays how to authentically overcome struggles in life with her poignant, quirky short lines. And her care for cats is phenomenal. Both she and Shirley are (authentical) animal lovers. Shirley’s wide experience in the arts shines through her work and her nature poems exhibit a true peace.”  ~Jerry Douglas Smith, Poet Laureate, San Luis Obispo, California 2013 – 2014


Release date:  February 7, 2018
Genre: Anthology
Available on Amazon, Kindle and in local bookstores

Great fiction, lyrical poetry, mystery, thriller, horror and detective stories along with poignant memoir and sci-fi. Indeed, something for everyone in this…volume. Don’t miss it. ~Paul Alan Fahey, author of the memoir The Mother I Imagined, The Mom I Knew  from Mindprints Literary Press.

Filled with quirky women’s poetry, nature poetry, women’s fiction with gritty, strong female protagonists and women’s non-fiction that shows the courage of survivors.
Our male writer creates goosebumps in frightening, firsthand experiences, once with a tornado, and then with an infamous serial killer. 


Release date:  February 14, 2017 (POD)
Release date:  March 1, 2017 (Kindle)
Available on Amazon and Kindle

Lectio Divina (Divine Reading, Latin) is a form of meditative prayer focused on a passage of Scripture; which involves careful, repetitive reading, attentive listening, and periods of reflection. As Communal Prayer, it is designed for formation of community (the Church and the World). In this case, use a facilitator to instruct and guide the group in the process. As Personal Prayer, it is designed to help a person open his whole heart, soul, and entire being to God and pursue a spiritual path (and worldly path) directed by God. Lectio is also reverential listening; in a spirit of silence, and awe.


Release date:  July 7, 2016 (POD)
Release date:  March 1, 2017 (Kindle)
Available on Amazon and Kindle

This book is an attempt to document my spiritual (and worldly) life, mainly after The 911 Event.
… I also chose to write this book in autobiographical form, using my events in Roman Catholic Churches, rather than ordering it entirely with the Calendar. Some dates are given but, it’s the location and specific event that are the greatest significance for my spiritual (and worldly) path. Some of these events were epiphanies in my spiritual formation and growth.


Release date:  January 16, 2017 (POD)
Release date:  March 1, 2017 (Kindle)
Available on Amazon and Kindle

This book provides some of my reflections and prayers from Bible studies and other Catholic events that have touched my heart since The 9/11 incident. Section 2 provides some meditations and reflections to help the reader’s spiritual quest for conscious union with the Eternal One. The image on the front cover of this book reveals my concept of God the Father, the Almighty Creator of the Universe, the Eternal One, and the One who loves us more than we know. In this image an old man with white hair and beard is above white clouds, arms outstretched, and seemingly pleased with his creation. It also brings to mind the beginning of the Apostle’s… 


Release date:  January 16, 2017 (POD)Little Glimpses of the Eternal, Book 3: The Spiritual Journey by [Leonard, Jim]
Release date:  March 1, 2017 (Kindle)
Available on Amazon and Kindle

This book provides some of my reflections and prayers from Bible studies and other Catholic events that have touched my heart since The 9/11 Incident. Poems in this book have common themes of seeking God, the Eternal One, in the spiritual journey, and seeking Christian values, namely, the values taught by Jesus Christ.




Release date: July 7, 2016 (POD)Little Glimpses of the Eternal, Book 4: Short Stories by [Leonard, Jim]
Release date: March 5, 2017 (Kindle)
Available on Amazon and Kindle

The stories in this book have one thing in common, surprise endings. Most (twelve) are being published for the first time. But, more importantly, the stories reveal loving interactions with family and especially dialogue with children.
The stories herein relate accounts of little glimpses of the eternal or good Christian and family values. This latter term refers to values derived from the teachings of Jesus and taught by Christians throughout the history of the religion.
The front cover image shows Jesus surrounded by little children. 


Release date: August, 2012 (Paperback)
Release date: July, 2012 (Kindle version)
Genre:  Bereavement
Available on Amazon and Kindle

Through short stories, poetry, journal entries and reflective narrative, Debra Davis Hinkle and Jim Leonard have created a rich and unique expression of the range of emotions, spiritual questions and insights, which accompany grief. Whether it is the death of a loved one, beloved pet or pre-death losses such as occur from Alzheimer’s their writings show the capacity of the human spirit to resolve and evolve. They also illustrate how writing can be a source of comfort and inspiration. 


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